Menaskop. Now also in English!

Владимир Попов
1 min readJun 4, 2021


menaskop. 2021

From this year, the stories on Medium will be in English only. And the first ones will be about the projects I’ve been collaborating with for the last 2–3 years: — the first full-fledged cross-chain protocoll of tokenisation of payment channels and objective price discovery in different markets using NFT. — a platform integrating NFT management tools and marketplaces in one place. — a project that protects any copyright (and related rights) through IPFS, blockchain and sophisticated AI mechanics. — is a VR glove that really helps people who have suffered strokes and other very difficult periods of life and therefore need to recover. — connecting the offline and online worlds through simple and straightforward mechanics of decentralized and distributed systems. is the first truly decentralised social network based on the VIZ blockchain.

And also about several other projects, each of which for me is a whole layer of life, a flap of the soul and something more than just a business.

Expect it: soon on this blog and up to!



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